AMP Capital: 255 George Street / Artwork Commission


AMP’s landmark CBD-based building, 255 George Street has been undergoing an extensive refurbishment.

One of the refurbished areas within the Lobby will be the new flexible workplace, Annexe, which will offer highly tailored workspaces that support organisations to drive productivity, innovation and growth.

As part of this specific redevelopment Catherine Asquith Art Advisory was engaged by Mostyn Copper to provide art consultancy services for the commissioning of a site-specific artwork which reflected not only the values of AMP Capital but moreover, allowed for an artwork which addressed the scale, volume and function of the space; provided a conceptual connection to the site; enhanced the visitor experience; and provided a welcoming, uplifting and complimentary aesthetic addition to the space.

From a highly competitive field of shortlisted artists, Sydney-based artist Camie Lyons was duly awarded the commission by the selection panel.

Camie’s well-researched and innovative artwork proposal, one derivative of the Australian bush, was at its essence, to “re-forest and re-energize the Annex space by bringing back the original species of trees that once stood on the site”.

AMP Capital / 255 George Street, Sydney
Artwork Commission: Camie Lyons
Project Managers: Mostyn Copper
Architects: Richards Stanisich


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