City of Stonnington

Art Acquisitions Advisory Committee at the City of Stonnington.

Delighted to announce I have been selected to be on the Art Acquisitions Advisory Committee at the City of Stonnington.

The City of Stonnington Council maintains a significant collection of contemporary works of art. The Collection dates from the late twentieth century to present day and presents the work of emerging, mid-career and senior contemporary Australian artists with a particular strength of the Collection being works of art that demonstrate a connection to the City of Stonnington. The Collection is a valuable community asset, displayed in publicly accessible locations throughout Council buildings and contributes to the vibrancy and cultural landscape of the municipality.

The City of Stonnington Art Acquisitions Advisory Committee’s primary role is to identify, recommend, and assess works of art for acquisition into the Collection and the commissioning of public art.


Kathy Temin
“Garden Islands”, 2010
A collaboration between City of Stonnington and Fridcorp – Lilli Building, and located in Claremont Street, South Yarra